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How to stop touching your face

How to stop touching your face

There has been a lot of media coverage recently on the importance of avoiding touching our faces. We’re all guilty of doing so more frequently than we should, with studies showing we touch our faces approximately 23 times an hour.

Whether it’s biting our nails, rubbing eyes or scratching an itch, humans are one of the few species known for regularly touching their face. Whilst we often don’t notice we are doing so, this is not only a bad habit but can also contribute to spreading viruses and passing germs. When we touch our face with dirty and unwashed hands, germs can gather in our mucous membranes, found in the nose, oral cavity and lips, which can lead to an infection.

With health risk at an all-time high, it has never been more crucial to attempt to break the worldwide habit. Many experts have recently spoken out asking individuals to stop touching their face, but what can we use to help us?

Mavala Stop is a clear polish designed to help stop nail biting and discourage finger sucking. With a bitter taste and smell, this will help individuals to break the habit of having their fingers near their mouths.

Suitable for use both with or without nail polish, Mavala Stop is great for children (aged 3+) and adults struggling to stop touching their face. To purchase Mavala Stop head to John Lewis.

If you’re unable to completely stop touching your face, or whilst you reduce the habit, make sure you are using Mavala’s Mava-Clear Purifying Hand Gel. This will help to fight against germs and bad odors on the hands and surfaces. Ideal for when you don’t have access to soap and water, this will help to reduce the number of germs you are potentially spreading.

We’d love to hear your advice on how to avoid touching your face. Let us know in the comments!  

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