Unlock Stronger Nails With Scientifique K+

Did you know that Keratin is a fundamental protein that makes up hair and nails, contributing significantly to making them strong?
The tip of the nail is the most fragile, most unprotected part and breaks easily. This is therefore the part of the nail to be strengthened. Incorporating keratin protein into your nail care regimen can greatly enhance the health of damaged nails. This addition offers vital nutrients that reinforce the nails and prevent breakage, making it particularly beneficial for addressing issues like weakness, brittleness, flakiness, or the softness and fragility resulting from acrylic or gel extensions.
Our Scientifique K+ contains keratin and works to harden nail tips and prevents flaking. With added natural crystal resin tears from the pistachio tree, it helps improve the cohesion of the keratin fibres and makes nails more resistant to breaking.

Scientifique K+ hardens the nail plate thanks to a scientific active ingredient that improves the cohesion of keratin fibres thus allowing the three principal nail layers to bond together. It also contains crystal resin tears, a gum extracted from the pistachio mastic tree that helps the natural keratinization process of nails, reinforcing them. This penetrating aqueous solution, that is neither a base nor a nail polish, hardens soft nails and avoids them breaking or splitting.