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How can I stop biting my nails?

How can I stop biting my nails?

When nail biting occurs, it is not only the nails that suffer.  The cuticle surrounding the nail becomes red and swollen, with pieces of ragged skin hanging off.  In many instances this can lead to infection.  It can be a very difficult habit to stop.  Biters will bite without even being aware of doing it, so we need to bring it to their attention and break the habit.  The help of a sales consultant or friend will also be needed.

The biter is asked to select one nail that from then on will be their biting nail and not commented on again.  A cuticle cream or oil is applied every day to nine fingers together with an unpleasant tasting product like Mavala Stop to the nine nails.  This product is to serve as a reminder if the wrong finger goes into the mouth.  Continue this routine for 10 days at which point they need to show their nails to their consultant.  By this time the swelling and redness around the nails will have reduced and nail growth will have resumed.  However, the cuticle will now have a lot of dead skin which can be removed with the help of cuticle removed.  Use this every five days but continue with daily use of the cuticle cream to keep the skin soft and anti nail biting product to keep the nine nails out of the mouth.  Also, use an emery board very gently to get a proper smooth edge on each nail even if they are very, very short. Ten days later it is time again for a consultation.  By now growth of 1-2 millimetres will be apparent on the nine treated nails.  Now is the time for nail hardeners or nourishers if needed, perhaps even a base coat, colour and top coat, but the treatments being already performed should be continued not stopped.  Of course the difference between the nine treated fingers and the one biting finger will be very obvious and hopefully will encourage the biter to try and leave that one alone.

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